Manchester Jamaica parish is 829.01 sq km and is bordered by Clarendon to the east, St Elizabeth to the west and northerly by Trelawny.
Mandeville is the capital and the population of Manchester as at of year end 2012 was 190,812.
Source STATIN Jamaica
Find the best Kingston vacation rentals hereMandeville town has several very busy shopping centres surrounded by attractive residential areas.
The temperate climate of the cool hills of Mandeville attracts a high percentage of returned Jamaicans and others from colder climes who become residents based on the fresh cool climate.
Mandeville has several medical centres, two hospitals and several charming old churches.
Manchester for the most part is a mountainous parish which limits cultivation to specific crops such as coffee, bananas, and citrus fruits produced for export and home markets. |
Speaking of citrus , the Ortanique Orange (cross between the orange and tangerine) indigenous to Jamaica, was developed here in the early 1900s.
At least a dozen places of interest are registered as Heritage sites. Source: Jamaica National Heritage Trust). These include:
Find the best deals in St Elizabeth here
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